21 Day Cacao Medicine Meditation Workshop


Join us for 21 days!

Cacao Medicine Meditation Workshop includes 1lb of 5th Element Cacao + live zoom sessions daily starting on June 1st to June 21st at 8am PDT.

Let’s share in community, for the expansion of our hearts, releasing grief, engaging joy and coming together to enhance the benefits of this sacred ceremonial grade cacao from Guatemala.

This is the best cacao I have ever had! We will meet daily to drink cacao, talk about the energies of the day, and practice heart opening meditations together!

Prayers for peace, love and expansion of consciousness!

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Cost includes shipping in the United States.

All donations are tax exempt as we are a 501c3 Nonprofit organization.

If you feel called to make an additional donation over the $222, those funds will go into a scholarship fund to allow access to BIPOC individuals who may not be able to pay the price of the cacao workshop. Thank you! All your donations move us forward on our mission and vision.