Assignment #2—4 Breaths to Deep Presence

Before you begin each session you will complete a 1 to 2-minute exercise designed to elicit a state of deep presence for optimal benefit: 

4 Breaths To Deep Presence

Falling Leaf Lake

This photo was taken at the top of a mountain range overlooking a small lake named Falling Leaf Lake located in Washoe territory on the California side above da’aw [Lake Tahoe]. 

Photos of da’aw will appear as reminders to engage the 4 Breaths To Deep Presence exercise as outlined here. Here is a brief video where we guide you through this exercise! Enjoy!

Practice this exercise and prepare to engage it prior to each Workshop in order to clear your mind and hone your focus for optimal benefit.  If you opt to do 2-30 minute sessions as opposed to one hour, do the exercise twice, before each scheduled workshop.  Numerous variations of this exercise have been incorporated into self-help practices for decades, and can be used prior to any activity that requires your full focus and attention.  You will soon become very comfortable with the exercise and you may even fashion one that works better for you.  

Sit comfortably in your Workshop space, close your eyes and clear your mind.  Now, say out loud: 

“With these breaths, I engage deep presence in my body, mind, soul and spirit”.  

“I am fully present, body-mind-soul and spirit”.

Practice this exercise several times with the video and on your own.  This is a life practice that will assist you with better and better focus and attention, paving the way for a deeper and more profound change as you grow.


Assignment #5: Setting your Intentions


Assignment #3: Identifying Food Habits