Assignment #5: Setting your Intentions

Now Set Your Intentions for this Food is Medicine journey! Keep in mind that you will change, update and/or modify them as you grow and we encourage you to return to them, check-in to see where you are with what you set, and then modify your intention as necessary. 

Here are some guiding questions: What would you like to accomplish? What changes do you want to make in your daily life? How would you like to feel? How is your gut? As you move through this journey, you will need to hold your intentions at the forefront of your mind as motivators to grow healthy life practices

The mind needs support in order to do this as it has a tendency to run wild with negative programming humming in the background. When you set intentions, it’s a good idea to fuel them with positive affirmations and a beautiful visualization that brings you feelings of joy and love. Adding these components will further support settling and directing your mind at a subconscious level so that your mind becomes an ally rather than hinder you.

Write as much as you deem necessary, providing whatever explanation you choose, there are no correct or wrong answers.  And no one reads this except you! Though you may choose to share in our live group session. 

Write at least 3 intentions, along with 3 affirmations that will support your  intentions, and a visualization with as much detail as possible, creating a beautiful scene that activates all your senses. You may wish to call this your happy place, your place of creation, that which brings you joy, feelings of love & abundance–whatever that is for you! You may wish to go a step further and create a physical visualization through a vision board (remember your elementary art work projects?) Get playful with it and have fun! The more joy you put into this, the greater fuel for your intentions! 

My Intention for this Workshop is . . . .

Remember, when creating your intentions, keep your statements in a positive flow to energize your desires. Take note of any don’ts, should not, or won’ts. Like “I won’t eat junk food” rather, I choose beautiful colorful food that nourishes my body in all directions. 

Our affirmations will direct our subconscious mind to stay in the flow of our intention. State your affirmations as though this is already here, happening now, this is changing now, there is only now in the present moment. 

My Affirmations for this Workshop are…

Visualization: Create a beautiful scene, your favorite place, a beautiful garden, a place that is sacred to you–whatever you want–whatever scene brings you the most joy. Be sure to include the senses, what you are seeing (beautiful flowers, birds, colors) feeling (the touch of Earth or water under your feet) smelling, sensing on your body (a light cool breeze kissing your skin). Place yourself in your scene with as much detail as you like. You can use a photograph to remind you, or create a vision board. Have fun!  

You will end each lesson with a one minute visualization of your “happy place” see yourself the way you intend; include where are; what you are doing, and; most importantly, how you are feeling: 


Assignment #1: Creating your Personal Workshop Space-


Assignment #2—4 Breaths to Deep Presence