Welcome & Course Outline

Congratulations, you have chosen to embark upon a transformative journey into higher expressions of yourself.  Food Is Medicine is grounded in Indigenous Wisdom teachings including ancient/tribal knowledge of place, plants, animals, and seasons; Ayurveda medicine ways; Chinese medicine ways, and; scientific research on health and nutrition.  This work is grounded in the understanding that we are meant to thrive! We hope you take this opportunity to reflect on yourself, examining your ways of being that are healthy and helpful and those that need to change. It is up to you to choose how much or how little you can devote to your transformation. Remember this is a life-long journey so there is no right or wrong, only learning toward your highest expression and highest potential all guided by your own internal higher wisdom and God Source. All is well and in perfect balance and we can actively participate in moving toward ever refined aspects of wellness within ourselves.  


We have many teachers to thank for the contents of this course [workbook].  Our knowledge has been informed by numerous others who have gone before us in their understanding of Food Is Medicine.  Numerous references will be made throughout this workbook and we are grateful for all who have shared their wisdom, teachings, and scientific explanations.  We make no claim of superiority in our expertise or program; we are simply grateful to be a part of an ever expanding population of individuals who are making conscious/healthy and wise choices about food and lifestyle. 




Group Session One

Schedule your First Individual Consultation

Week 3 BODY-The Physical Domain

Week 4 MIND-The Cognitive Domain

Group Session Two

Week 5 SOUL–The Emotional Domain

Week 6 SPIRIT–The Spiritual Domain

Group Session Three

Week 7 BELOW Your Relationship with Mother Earth

Week 8 ABOVE Your Understanding of Your Origins

Group Session Four

Week 9 All AROUND–Balance is a Dance 

Schedule an Individual Consultation

Week 10 Self Reflection & Intentions


Food is Medicine Guidebook Download Here!