Assignment #4: Identifying Primary Doshic Constitution

Indigenous wisdom —the universe is made up of the five elements; the cosmic universe is made up from an interaction between the energetics of the elements–Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth. These energies are present in everything and everyone. You and I and all are made up of a combination of these elementals. The first part of this assignment is to draw a picture or write some words (however you want to express yourself)—describing yourself through the elementals. Think about the qualities of each element, and consider how closely you mirror that element in your overall way of being.

Throughout the program, we will cite and integrate Ayurvedic wisdom to help us understand our basic nature. We have shared that this is not a class in Ayurveda, however we are utilizing some important scientifically sound practices from Ayurveda to assist us in moving deeper into self understanding; Ayurveda and the doshas will be guiding us to incorporate life practices that will recognize our natural tendencies, how we are designed energetically and the foods, as well as practices that would support us best—depending of course on where we are geographically, season & our season of life as well as our individual unique needs.

The elementals are group together in 3 basic energies that are present in everything and everyone. Those 3 energies, doshas, or biological humors, are called, in Sanskrit, Vatta, Pitta & Kapha; each with its corresponding cosmic powers of energy, light and matter.  

Vatta is made up of Air & Ethers, Pitta is made up of Fire & Water, and Kapha is made up of Earth and Water. Our primary dosha or combination of doshas is reflected in our physical bodily structure, movement, energy—emotional responses, perceptual abilities and mental nature (Frawley & Kshiragar, 2016). Use the chart below, to help you further identify which elementals are primary in your energetic and physiological system. The doshas and our specific doshic qualities (combination of elementals) structured in our system is where we will tend toward imbalance. We will talk more about the doshas throughout the course. For now, just use this a general guide, this is not the end all be all, and I will recommend for you to take several quizzes over the next several weeks to help illuminate your primary doshic qualities. With this knowledge you will know which practices are best for you and your specific needs! Stay tuned for more on this!


Assignment #3: Identifying Food Habits